Crafting women into feeling
healthier and happier in their
By opening this web page you have opened a new opportunity to enhance your life!
Are you ready to be the happiest, healthiest version of yourself?
I know you are – and i’m so excited to start this journey with you!
On this site you can register to train with me & my team, find clean eating recipes, healthy tips, workouts, motivation, positivity and more!
This website was designed to educate & help YOU!

Monique Craft – Owner
My name is Monique Craft, I am the founder and master trainer of BodyCraft Health and Fitness on the Central Coast of NSW.
My life is dedicated to helping people improve lives through effective training, positive nutrition and self love.
I developed BodyCraft in 2012 and since that day BodyCraft has been crafting individuals into feeling fitter, stronger, healthier and happier in their body!
I train over 150 women a week who rise to my challenges, who see results and who make me smile daily! BodyCraft is my love, my passion and my dreams! Im now blessed to have 3 other passionate BodyCraft Trainers by my side who help fulfill BodyCrafts mission to 'Craft as many women as we can into feeling healithier and happier in their body'.
I understand challenges, and how to rise above them! I know we all have a story, we all have hardship and we all face fear. Fitness has saved me in the past, choosing the healthy lifestyle has been the best path my life has taken, and I'm ready to take the next steps with you, are you ready to take the pathway to health and happiness? To feeling more alive and making yourself proud daily!
My promise to you is to be the best personal trainer I can be, empowering you to be the best person you can be!
You can’t spell CHAlleNGE without the word change, if your going to rise to the challenge you have to be prepared to change!
My Team and I are prepared to be there every step of the way to guide you through this change, a change to a better quality of life.
We want to see you make changes that will positively affect you, not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of your life!!
It’s all about training with passion and developing a healthy relationship with food and your body!
I hope you enjoy my site, you can access all my blogs about maintaining a healthy, balanced, fit & nutritious lifestyle, and download lots of delicious clean eating recipes for free.
(NOTE: This site has only just launched, I’m currently working hard at creating new exciting recipes, blogs, workouts and more for YOU, so stay tuned!)
My name is Monique Craft, I am the founder and master trainer of BodyCraft Health and Fitness on the Central Coast of NSW.
My life is dedicated to helping people improve lives through effective training, positive nutrition and self love.
I developed BodyCraft in 2012 and since that day BodyCraft has been crafting individuals into feeling fitter, stronger, healthier and happier in their body!
I train over 150 women a week who rise to my challenges, who see results and who make me smile daily! BodyCraft is my love, my passion and my dreams! Im now blessed to have 3 other passionate BodyCraft Trainers by my side who help fulfill BodyCrafts mission to 'Craft as many women as we can into feeling healithier and happier in their body'.
I understand challenges, and how to rise above them! I know we all have a story, we all have hardship and we all face fear. Fitness has saved me in the past, choosing the healthy lifestyle has been the best path my life has taken, and I'm ready to take the next steps with you, are you ready to take the pathway to health and happiness? To feeling more alive and making yourself proud daily!
My promise to you is to be the best personal trainer I can be, empowering you to be the best person you can be!
You can’t spell CHAlleNGE without the word change, if your going to rise to the challenge you have to be prepared to change!
My Team and I are prepared to be there every step of the way to guide you through this change, a change to a better quality of life.
We want to see you make changes that will positively affect you, not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of your life!!
It’s all about training with passion and developing a healthy relationship with food and your body!
I hope you enjoy my site, you can access all my blogs about maintaining a healthy, balanced, fit & nutritious lifestyle, and download lots of delicious clean eating recipes for free.
(NOTE: This site has only just launched, I’m currently working hard at creating new exciting recipes, blogs, workouts and more for YOU, so stay tuned!)